Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Internet has changed so much of our world that it's virtually impossible to imagine living life without it, even if you can recall having done so when you were younger. It is such a central part of everything we do now that I often wonder about something. 

When I see an infographic like the one below posted by Camille Bautista on Mashable, I consider the global repercussions of suddenly waking up in the morning and finding the Internet has vanished. Knowing what we know about it now, it might almost be like a second Dark Age in our history.
From hactivism to the flipped classroom, the Internet has sparked an online revolution with digital tools.
Classified documents on Wikileaks helped spark the Arab Spring, and protestors organized through Facebook. Daily tweets about the Egyptian revolution increased 100% after the overthrow of the country, showcasing the power of trending.
Not only has the World Wide Web assisted in shaping our political persuasions, but also our personal interests. While there are 139,500 professional photographers in the U.S., Instagram rekindled the snap-happy side of everyone, with 90 million active users each month on the social platform.
As the number of Internet users grow, the world changes, as suggested by this infographic from NowSourcing. There were more than 2 billion web users in 2012, which is a 566.4% increase from the year 2000 (we’ve come a long way from Y2K).
Check out the infographic for more stats about how the Internet has made an impact.


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